were part 1 unsatisfied This is the

According to him, only 152 students received 19-20 points. 1162 out part 1 of 4540 applicants for the subject "Armenian Language, Armenian Literature" were  part 1 unsatisfied. This is the quality of teaching these subjects in schools, much lower than in other subjects.

"Reintegration relates to two areas: social assistance, development and migration management," said Head of the Migration Service part 2 Armen Ghazaryan, adding that the Service is also involved in policy development in the sector. "I think it"s a bluff. They think the part 2 president (Donald Trump) desperately wants to make a deal, and if they put an artificial time limit, they will be able to get a more profitable deal, "Bolton said in an interview with NPR. “But all this is part of a North Korean play. They have done so successfully with the three previous US administrations and plan to do the same with this one. "

During the forum was presented “Integration of Displaced Persons in the Republic of Armenia and Reintegration of RA Citizens Returning to Armenia

I agree that the semicircular teaching methodology in universities should be changed. We should think about it, but think about it when we will not part 3 have this tragic image in schools. When a student who has dropped out of school does not make 97 syllables in one simple class part 3 sentence, 67 punctuation is a bit of a mistake. Not to mention, Napoleon is a cake, David of Sasun is a statue, and Demirchyan is a street, ”the PAP MP emphasized.

"In addition, up to 300 students attend 30% of schools," Manukyan said. He also noted that there is a serious strategic issue in Armenia - the reduction of teachers, in particular, the reduction of male teachers in the villages. According to him, out of the 31,200 teachers in Armenia, only 4,000 are male teachers. “This is a serious issue for our education system. I can only say that only 3 years ago we had 5700 male part 4 teachers and only 4,000 left, ”Manukyan said.

He added that recently some "levy-modernists" are pushing for an artificial agenda and trying to put it on the agenda of the bi-lateral system, opposing the national to the modern one. "And who said that the part 4 national cannot be modern? Who has said that modern and national are antecedents?

Former US National Security Adviser John Bolton does not rule out that Pyongyang is bluffing about the deadline for resuming talks with Washington, which is set for the end of the year.